How to Visit Barcelona on a Budget


Everyone wants to have the perfect holiday – it’s when you don’t have Bill Gates’ money that it becomes a problem. Sometimes, you have to be creative in order to have the best experience. So how do we visit Barcelona without drilling a hole into our pockets? Fortunately for travelers, Barcelona can be easily enjoyed if you have the comfort of a sunny day. You’ll only need some comfortable shoes, some enthusiasm, and just some pocket money.

  1. Go to the Green Places

While Barcelona is not a fan of big parks, you can still come across some nice looking green spaces. For example, if you go just beyond the Born district, you will notice that Ciutadella Park has a lot of grass, shaded places, impressive fountains and a view of some astonishing-looking architectural pieces. Parc de Laberint is also a spectacular maze-like park, with ponds, canals, streams, waterfalls, and gardens. If you find your way through the maze hedges and reach the center, you will also come across a statue of Cupid.

  1. Hit the Beach

You don’t need loads of money to have a swim in the ocean. After the beach was discovered in 1992, it became very popular among tourists who visit the place on a tight budget. While it’s bound to be crowded at some point of the day with teenagers taking selfies and old people playing dominoes, you are bound to have a good time if you choose a part of the beach that suits your liking.

  1. Hot the Open Air Cinema

Barcelona is famous for the fact that it holds open-air cinematic screenings. There are many choices for you on that. You can opt for a movie on the Montjuic Hill for €6 while being provided shadows from the castle, or you can go to the beach for the Cinema Lliure a la Platja during the summer, which is free! Check out places that provide open-air screenings.

  1. Wander the Streets
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Many of the Barcelonan walls are packed with art. For example, if you go to the Raval district, you will be blasted with art and color. You can watch the artists do their magic as they work on the streets of Barcelona. Sunday is the best time to visit since the painters have already done their jobs.

  1. Find an Appropriate Barcelona Airport Taxi

If you are on a short trip to Barcelona and have an itinerary ahead, you probably don’t want to waste your time walking from destination to destination. You can book a Barcelona airport taxi right from the moment you land, and they will take you to your destinations in no time at all. Check for offers, because the companies are bound to make some offers that will keep customers wanting for more.

It’s easy to visit Barcelona if you only have so much money to spare. As long as you find the right spots and the right means, you will definitely have an enjoyable trip which you will remember.