Do You Know How To Internet Market?


Would you agree that network marketing these days go hand in hand with internet marketing? If you do agree and I believe it’s true, then why is it for the vast majority of people in network marketing have very little, if any knowledge about how to internet market their opportunity?

I think the answer to that question is the industry has let us network marketers down when it comes to internet marketing. Plain and simple most of us don’t know how to do it. Most are just out there trying SOMETHING. Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and maybe even LinkedIn have been the big kahuna’s as far as marketing online via social media. Don’t get me wrong, SOME have had success, but MOST… NOT! My own little research has found MOST networkers who have used those platforms have had little success recruiting people into their opportunities. Again notice I said MOST. Not all. And if you’re one of those few who’ve had success… Fantastic! Disregard this article. I’m speaking of the vast majority.

I was as excited as the next guy or gal back in the day, when my sponsor showed me how the internet was going to change how we recruited people. As a matter of fact, I breathed a sigh of relief knowing that I would never have to do another personal presentation or home meeting.

But what ended up happening is the internet made a way to spread the word about our opportunity to thousands or even millions, and the industry embraced it, but forgot to teach us how to spread the word. I know, I know it’s not the company’s responsibility to teach you how to market. But what about that new person you sign up who desperately just wants to make extra money to make ends meet? And doesn’t know how? Falls on you doesn’t it? But what if you don’t know? Then what? Your upline?

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So what we have is a bunch of network marketers trying Facebook, trying YouTube, trying Instagram, etc. But there’s no clear blueprint on how to internet market your networking opportunity.

So here is my attempt to pass along a little of what I’ve learned. Mind you, I’m not the gospel according to making six figures a month or anything, but I do know a thing or two that can help coachable network marketers promote their business opportunity online.

Okay let’s start with what all of us need most in network marketing… LEADS! We need to learn how to create our own FRESH responsive prospects who end up chasing us about our opportunity and not the other way around.

How do you do that? I know I’ve written about this before and might sound like a broken record to those of you who have read my business announcements here. But maybe I’ll explain it differently so you don’t say, “Here he goes again!”

Wouldn’t you agree that it’s safe to say that people like yourself have invested (notice I didn’t say spent) anywhere from $50-$500 enrolling into their opportunity? So you are a proven buyer. Then there are all the other necessities to run your business like buying the product automatically every month, your company’s website, advertising, etc. Again… you’re a proven buyer.

So if people are proven buyers, you need to go where they are. These people known as network marketers are your TARGET Market. They have proven that they will spend money on their business and they are actively trying to promote their business online. If you put the right offer in front of them they’ll probably become members in your downline or buy your product and become a customer.

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Your friends there don’t want to know about network marketing. But the networkers in MLM Facebook groups do. DO NOT market your opportunity to them though. Quit pitching them! They already have an opportunity. Show them how you can help THEIR business. Trust me, you do that and they’ll know you have your stuff together and eventually will be curious about what you’re doing. Then they’ll chase you.

Network marketers are open to learning how you might be able to teach them how to internet market. So advertise online how you can help them in network marketing ezines, write articles in, grab some PLR (Private Label Rights) material on internet marketing and make it into an eBook on how to do internet marketing. Create a blog that gives them the kind of valuable content that teaches them how to market their business online.

In summary, do this:

  • Step 1: Find Network Marketers (MLM Genealogy Lists)
  • Step 2: Send a good sales message to email addresses of MLM Genealogy Lists
  • Step 3: Take phone numbers from MLM genealogy lists and use a company called to send your marketing message to 100’s- 1000’s at a time.
  • Step 4: Follow-up with prospects that are now emailing you and calling you back to find out what your message is all about.
  • Step 5: Share valuable how-to internet marketing content via your own blog, social media, articles, blog commenting, network marketing forums, etc.
  • Step 6: Close prospects (Are you in? or Are You Out? Don’t sell!)
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Follow these steps and you will make a change in your business for sure.